
170 – Feel Like Bakin’ Loaves

Galadriel and Celeborn test the Fellowship once again by kindly inviting them to leave Lothlórien and not let the light plaited screen hit them on the way out. And your hosts get word-nerdy on lembas (warning: this podcast may contain gluten).

168 – Too Much Time on Their Hands

The Fellowship pass “some days” in Lórien as guests of Galadriel and Celeborn (though not the kind of guests who actually get to see or speak to their hosts), and get plenty of recovery, escape, and consolation from their travels and their grief.

167 – You’re My Lady

The Fellowship comes to Caras Galadhon — the city of Lothlórien. Celeborn’s welcome is warm at first, but cools when he learns the Company awoke something very warm (and wingless) in Moria. But when the Lady comes to their defense, even Gimli starts...

165 – Just a Little Bit of Peril

The Fellowship are led through Lothlórien blindfolded, and yes, Legolas is still complaining. Deprived of his sight, Frodo’s heightened senses take in the sounds, the smells, and the feel of the world around him. We ease up on our criticism of...

151 – Misty Mountain Hop

The Fellowship is forced to leave Hollin early when “no sign of life nearby” turns into “giant evil crows filling the sky”. Certain they are being watched, they get moving as soon as possible and make for the Misty Mountains, but Gandalf and Aragorn...

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