
177 – Exit… Stage Left

While Frodo and Boromir are away "talking", the Company attempt to reach a decision about where to go. Join us as we finally close the book on The Fellowship of the Ring. Plus, is The Lord of the Rings too long?

170 – Feel Like Bakin’ Loaves

Galadriel and Celeborn test the Fellowship once again by kindly inviting them to leave Lothlórien and not let the light plaited screen hit them on the way out. And your hosts get word-nerdy on lembas (warning: this podcast may contain gluten).

168 – Too Much Time on Their Hands

The Fellowship pass “some days” in Lórien as guests of Galadriel and Celeborn (though not the kind of guests who actually get to see or speak to their hosts), and get plenty of recovery, escape, and consolation from their travels and their grief.

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