We finally begin our readthrough of Book IV of The Lord of the Rings with “The Taming of Sméagol”! All alone after fleeing Parth Galen, Frodo and Sam are lost among the barren slopes of the Emyn Muil, seeking a way down to the stinking bog below...
One does not simply walk into Mordor without a recap, so before we start our readthrough of Book IV of The Lord of the Rings, we’re reviewing previous chapters to reacquaint ourselves with a couple of characters we haven’t seen for a while (no one...
The newly-minted Gandalf the White advises the Three Hunters to leave the Hobbits in the strong, twiggy hands of Treebeard and go to Edoras. They agree, but Legolas still wants to know how Gandalf is — y'know, not dead — launching the wizard into a...
While Frodo and Boromir are away "talking", the Company attempt to reach a decision about where to go. Join us as we finally close the book on The Fellowship of the Ring. Plus, is The Lord of the Rings too long?
The Fellowship stop at Parth Galen to rest, and Frodo asks for some time alone - but Boromir doesn't take the hint. Plus we background check Sauron's resume to confirm his Necromancer credentials...
The Fellowship put off their next move for a few days as they float down the Anduin, followed by a curiously Gollum-shaped log. Plus we talk Entwives and Elven bows...
Galadriel says farewell with a few extra-special gifts for the extra-special members of the Fellowship while the others sit back and grumble about their belts and stuff. We also interview James Tauber of the Digital Tolkien Project.
Galadriel and Celeborn test the Fellowship once again by kindly inviting them to leave Lothlórien and not let the light plaited screen hit them on the way out. And your hosts get word-nerdy on lembas (warning: this podcast may contain gluten).
Galadriel welcomes Frodo and Sam to come on in and see what’s happening with her Mirror. Sam receives a vision of some devilry at work in the Shire; but the Mirror is dangerous as a guide of deeds...
The Fellowship pass “some days” in Lórien as guests of Galadriel and Celeborn (though not the kind of guests who actually get to see or speak to their hosts), and get plenty of recovery, escape, and consolation from their travels and their grief.