Erkenbrand takes command of the West-mark after the death of Théodred; Matt makes it clear that, in the event of Alan’s death, he wants no such responsibility. Join us as there is a coincidence of calendars in our second episode on The Battles of the Fords of Isen from Unfinished Tales. Grimbold stands firm by the Fords, Elfhelm is the Admiral Ackbar of Rohan, and none of it really matters because quantity has a quality all its own. Matt breaks out his best Ent voice, we lament the adaptation fates of Erkenbrand, Tom Bombadil, and Glorfindel, and agree it would be a nice day for a white wizard. Also, in Bilbo’s next book, he interviews Fingolfin on challenging Morgoth: “I’ve had better days.”
Finally, here’s the link we promised for Tom Shippey’s talk:
Recommended Reading
The Return of the King: Being the Third Part of the Lord of the Rings
Tolkien, J. R. R. (William Morrow, paperback)
Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth
Tolkien, J. R. R. (Christopher Tolkien, ed.) (Mariner Books, paperback)
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
Carpenter, Humphrey ed. (William Morrow, paperback)
The Lord of the Rings: A Reader’s Companion
Scull, Christina & Wayne Hammond (William Morrow, hardcover)