103 – Goodbye Everybody, I’ve Got to Go

We begin Book I, Chapter 3 of The Lord of the Rings, “Three is Company”. After months of preparation, Frodo sells Bag End. He leaves home with Sam and Pippin on a pretense of moving back to Buckland, but before they even get to the bottom of the Hill, there are already hints that he is being followed. A new installment of Meanwhile, Elsewhere in Middle-earth uncovers why Gandalf ran off in such a hurry, and a listener question about Sauron’s motives gives us a chance to meet the new Dark Lord (not quite the same as the old Dark Lord).

Looking for adventure? Fireworks? An expert opinion on whether your Took relative is a fool or not? Call Gandalf the Grey for all your wizarding needs! 

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  • I can hardly tell you how much I love your podcasts! I found you just a few weeks ago, via a random search of key word ‘Tolkien’ in my newly installed podcast App. And I fell in love with your program at once. I have shared it in local social medium in China and successfully hooked several hardcore Ringers to your podcast. 🙂 It is only because your program is more than wonderful. I almost listen to your episodes every day now, new and old, nearly 200 hours, that is a big treat for me. Thanks so much!
    I am actually a new-comer to Professor Tolkien’s fantastic world of Middle-Earth. I started reading The Hobbit and LOTR in Year 2015, and finished The Silmarillion in the following year. I was not so into The Hobbit when I first read it (but I love it too now) but LOTR and Silmarillion, they blew my mind in such a way that I was totally lost and cannot focus on my own real life because it seemed remote and strange at that moment compared to the world in the book.
    And after watching the films (no, I did not touch the Hobbit trilogy because I cannot accept a small book to be stretched to threes films as long as LOTR), I found that I enjoyed it but can hardly say I love it. Because it is not correct about some characters, especially Frodo and Faramir. I think this is one of the reasons why I love your program so much. We share.
    Please forgive me for my poor English expression.

  • Hello! Welcome to the Prancing Pony Podcast, and welcome (recently) to the incredible world of Middle-earth! We’re so glad you found us, and we want to thank you so very much for sharing us with Tolkien fans in China. We welcome your feedback, comments, questions, and anything else anytime… you can email us directly from the site or comment on our posts. Your English is excellent, so there’s nothing to forgive! 🙂

    • I am quite upset that I did not recieve the new release of episode 104. Worried that if anything happened to you. Now recieve your feedback is a relief to me. Have you changed back to bi-weekly update?
      Wish for all the best to you!

      • We just had a week off for a holiday here in the US. We’ll be back to weekly releases starting this week, with a few breaks through the holidays. 104 will be out this Sunday, so stay tuned!

        • Enjoy your holidays! And all the best wishes! Thank you so much for your time and dedication to bring such a wonderful program to all the Tolkien fans! It is not only the best podcast of the south farthing, but also of the whole Shire😀

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