051 – Why Does It Hurt So Much?: The Hobbit Film Trilogy

It’s there and back again at the movies with the Prancing Pony Podcast! After talking about The Lord of the Rings films in our last episode, Alan and Shawn dive into Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit film trilogy. Once again, we watch clips of the changes we liked (and just a few of the ones we didn’t) and discuss them, returning to Tolkien’s own observations about film adaptation to assess the films fairly. Luck lost, love found, dragon-sickness… and how will we ever know if four-legs got some? Video version available on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

For streaming audio and a transcript of the Tom Shippey lecture “Tolkien Book to Jackson Script: The Medium and the Message”, see the Swarthmore College website at http://www.swarthmore.edu/news-events/tolkien-book-to-jackson-script-medium-and-message. (Audio highly recommended!)

The essay “Another Road to Middle-earth: Jackson’s Movie Trilogy”, is published as Appendix C in the 2005 edition of Shippey’s The Road to Middle-earth, and is also available in other collections.

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Recommended Reading:

The Hobbit Trilogy (Extended Editions) [Blu-ray]

Shippey, Tom. The Road to Middle-Earth: How J.R.R. Tolkien Created a New Mythology (Mariner Books, paperback)

Shippey, Tom. J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century (Mariner Books, paperback)

Olsen, Corey. Exploring J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit (Mariner Books, paperback)

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  • Hello guys!
    It is so good to listen to you once more, wonderful, thank you!
    Well, I’m not sure if I clicked something wrong, that tjis episode 51 is the last update I received in my e-mail, so, I listened the following ones through Facebook and Youtube. I tried my subscription again but I’m not sure if I succeeded. I know you borh are very busy to check it, but in case I do not receive another, I will bother you.
    Thank you for this great podcast, greetings! 😊

    • Hi Nadia! It’s good to hear from you again. We migrated our website to a new host in September, and the last episode to post at the old site was 51. Now that we are no longer hosted at WordPress.com, we no longer show up in Reader automatically, so you can still follow us with that application, but you will need to add us manually.

      You can manually add any site to your Reader using the instructions for non-WordPress.com sites here: https://en.support.wordpress.com/reader/

      Let us know if you have any more trouble. Thanks!

  • […] Why is it important to notice luck in The Hobbit? First it is clearly a major theme throughout the book shown by the frequent use of the word luck alone. This is one of the biggest things the movies missed, opting rather to focus on creating their own luck (there are a couple quotes in the movie where Thorn especially says “We make our own luck” and you could listen to a discussion on it at The Prancing Pony Podcast episode 51).  […]

  • I know I’m very late to the game with the PPP, but a couple of times in the show it was undecided if Thranduil was astride a moose or an elk. The creature in the films was modeled after an ancient Irish Elk called a Megaloceros. Look up the pictures.

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