029 – Tolkien’s 125th Birthday Special

We celebrate the twelfty-fifth birthday of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien with tributes from our listeners and our own thoughts on what Tolkien has meant to us. We also give the traditional birthday toast to the Professor, and we announce the winners of our giveaway drawings for The Art of the Lord of the Rings and the Facsimile First Edition of The Hobbit.

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Recommended Reading:

Tolkien, J. R. R. The Hobbit Facsimile First Edition (HarperCollins, hardcover)

Scull, Christina, and Wayne G. Hammond. The Art of the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, hardcover)

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  • Thank you for reading my letter for Tolkien’s birthday. You read my thoughts with beauty and love and delivered the punch line perfectly. Sorry to let Shawn down.  I feel the same way about jokes.  It is a little bit like Tom Bombadil. Some fans like him and some don’t. Look forward to hearing more of your podcasts.  I think I will have to buy that special edition of the Hobbit.  💖Tolkien

    • Thank you, Donna! Your tribute was wonderful, and didn’t let me down at all … it’s just that marrying a hairy-footed Englishman was the one thing I couldn’t relate to! I’ll save my thoughts on Tom Bombadil for the LotR episodes we’ll get to by around 2018. My opinion of him changes with every reading. 😉

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