A long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away, Alan and Shawn started discussing The Silmarillion. Now, witness the power of this fully...
In the second half of "Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age,” Isildur refuses to destroy the One Ring when he has the chance, keeping it...
Alan and Shawn rewind to the end of the War of Wrath to begin "Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age." Sauron refuses to beg the Valar’s...
I love how Ulmo’s warning to Turgon seems to lurk in the background of the whole Legendarium. Your mentioning it reminded me of Aragorn’s words to Pippin when he returns the Lorien brooch to the Hobbit: “One who cannot cast away a treasure at need is in fetters”. I always think of Ulmo’s warning first and then of Turgon and his fate when I read these words.
It truly does. If I recall correctly, Verlyn Flieger went so far as to call this “The only commandment” of Tolkien’s world. That’s an excellent connection back to Aragorn’s words!