Erkenbrand takes command of the West-mark after the death of Théodred; Matt makes it clear that, in the event of Alan’s death, he wants no such responsibility. Join us as there is a coincidence of calendars in our second episode on The Battles of...
The Rohirrim are loyal to Théoden, even in his dotage; Matt’s loyalty to Alan is in doubt. Join us as Saruman begins his assault on Rohan with a strategic faux pas in the first of three episodes covering The Battles of the Fords of Isen from...
Wormtongue wishes he could leave Saruman; James is stuck with Alan for a few more episodes: make of that what you will. Join The Man of the West and The Sage of the South as we get to Rivendell in time for a party in the last of our three episodes...
Théoden offers Wormtongue one last chance to redeem himself, but the counsellor is disinclined to acquiesce to his lord's request. Gandalf and the king catch up on the history of Saruman's treachery and the damage already done in Rohan before...
Upon entering the Golden Hall, Gandalf is challenged once again; this time by Wormtongue, the king's counsellor who may not exactly have Rohan's best interests in mind. Gandalf puts the worm in its place (before Gimli can dissect it for smack...