Ondoher learns that battlefield intelligence is crucial to survival; Alan and Matt learn that bad dad jokes are crucial to this podcast. Join us as King Ondoher closes his eyes, only for a moment, and the moment’s gone, in our second of six episodes...
The story of Cirion and Eorl begins with an introduction to the Northmen; the story of Alan and Matt begins with Matt having to pronounce hard words. Join us as the Northmen have nothing to lose ‘cause it’s already lost, as we begin our six-episode...
Gondor and Rohan honestly believed in Saruman, while Alan and Matt aren’t sure what to believe anymore. Join The Man of the West and The Nerd of the Rings as we look at all the Kings of Rohan, and Matt gives Alan his new nickname. Saruman’s gets the...
Felaróf pays Eorl back by surrendering his freedom, while Matt pays Alan back with poetic body shaming. Join The Man of the West and The Nerd of the Rings as we meet the first King of the Mark, and flashback to his naming of Felaróf. Fram kills...
Gimli offers to speedily fetch his axe, while James offers to speedily fetch his microphone. Join The Man of the West in welcoming back The Sage of the South as Théoden is laid to rest in our first of three episodes on Many Partings. Arwen offers...
Éomer forms a final shield-wall and thinks of songs that will never be sung; Alan and Shawn offer to gladly butcher sing those songs. Join us as the appearance of black sails thrills the forces of Sauron right up until it doesn’t, on the last of our...
The king is dead, long live the king! Meet was Théoden’s ending; will meat be Alan and Shawn’s ending? Join us as Éomer receives an unexpected promotion in our second episode on The Battle of the Pelennor Fields. We learn about Merry’s blade...
The Witch-king arrives on the battlefield; Alan and Shawn also arrive, presumably with less stink. Join us as we finally arrive at the moment that we’ve been waiting for for more than seven years as we begin The Battle of the Pelennor Fields! Merry...
Now is the hour come… for us to read one of our favorite passages in all of The Lord of the Rings! Need brooks no delay, so join Alan and Marcel now as the time has come for Théoden and Rohan to ride to the rescue of Minas Tirith in the second half...
Merry’s obsession with luggage continues, as Alan and Marcel discuss whether he should be put in the overhead compartment or checked at the counter. Join us as we are introduced to one of the more unique characters in Middle-earth in today’s...