Faramir goes off to earn his father’s grudging admiration, while Alan and Matt continue to work to earn yours. Join us, and all the captains, as we continue The Siege of Gondor! Read along as Pippin pesters patiently, Denethor dissuades diligently...
Denthor submits his application for Father of the Year, making Alan and Matt feel great about their parenting skills in the process. Join us as we celebrate the seventh anniversary of The Prancing Pony Podcast, and Matt’s first digression as co...
Pippin is asked to sing by the Steward of Gondor; Alan and his new co-host, Matt from The Nerd of the Rings are begged not to sing by everyone else. Join us as we commiserate with Pippin over the lack of second breakfast as we begin The Siege of...
Alan and Shawn welcome listeners once again to join us in the common-room for our latest Q&A episode! Dwarf-fans rejoice as we answer questions about the Book of Mazarbul, and the other kindreds of the Dwarves besides the Longbeards of Durin. We...
Frodo, Sam, and Gollum leave Henneth Annûn and continue on their quest with Faramir’s blessing and two (not three) shiny new hobbit-sized walking sticks. Gollum is totally over that betrayal business at the pool and surely isn’t planning any kind of...
Frodo convinces Gollum to leave the Forbidden Pool, not without some feelings of regret at his betrayal of the wretched creature. After a brief interrogation, Faramir is satisfied that Gollum knows nothing and won't come back to this secret place...
Frodo is awakened by Faramir in the middle of the night to be treated to a sight he did not expect: a familiar-looking creature fishing in the pool below the waterfall. After Faramir pokes more gentle fun at Anborn's inability to distinguish an...
Alan and Shawn once again welcome listeners to the common room for our latest Q&A episode! This time we answer questions about themes in Tolkien’s legendarium, talk about favorite niches in Tolkien fandom, and even discuss what keeps characters...
Bring a friend and come along with us for our seventh annual celebration of Tolkien Reading Day, observed every March 25 in honor of the fall of Barad-dûr. This year’s theme chosen by the Tolkien Society is Love and Friendship. We’ve selected some...
Faramir continues wowing the hobbits with his knowledge of Gondorian history, prompting Sam to one-up him with a recitation of his new spoken word piece “Fifty Things I Love About Galadriel”. But the talk of Lórien opens the door to a conversation...