
The Battle of the Pelennor Fields

290 – Beautiful Day

Éomer forms a final shield-wall and thinks of songs that will never be sung; Alan and Shawn offer to gladly butcher sing those songs. Join us as the appearance of black sails thrills the forces of Sauron right up until it doesn’t, on the last of our...

The Passing of the Grey Company

272 – Bad Company

They say bad company corrupts good character; we’ll leave it to you to decide whether the title refers to the Dead Men of Dunharrow, or your hosts, Alan and Don, as we finish our journey through the Paths of the Dead! We talk about Tolkien’s ability...

The Passing of the Grey Company

270 – Run With the Pack

So much alike are Elladan and Elrohir that few could tell them apart; not so with Alan and his co-host, Don Marshall! Join us as Aragorn breaks hard news to Théoden, has a moment of foresight about Éomer, and bids farewell to Merry, who misses...

220 – The Worst of Times

While Gandalf and Aragorn ponder the evening's events and finally identify the object of Pippin's affections as the palantír of Orthanc, a Nazgûl flies overhead — which means it's time for Gandalf and the sticky-fingered Took to exit, stage east...

209 – Pyromania

An explosion rocks the Deeping Wall, and soon there are more as Saruman's blasting fires make what little hope the heroes had go up in smoke. But as dawn approaches, Aragorn still believes that victory may come with the new day, and Théoden realizes...

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