The Hobbits continue their zero-star walking tour of Rohan, trudging along with the Orcs in an endless tunnel of misery with nary a pub nor...
Looks like meat's back on the menu as we pick up the tale of Pippin and Merry and their delightful hosts: an army of Orcs on their way to...
Éomer bends the rules "just this once" to let the wanderers go free in Rohan, and even lends them cocon— uh, horses* to ride, on the...
Éomer, Third Marshal of the Riddermark, demands proper identification from the Three Hunters, and Aragorn gives it to him by name-dropping...
The Three Hunters continue their pursuit across the plains, their hearts growing wearier due to the physical effects of Saruman's opposing...
Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli pursue the Orcs taking Merry and Pippin through Rohan, where the folk of Eorl raise the greatest cocon— uh...
The three remaining members of the Fellowship of the Ring (as far as they know) prepare Boromir for his last journey down the Anduin, and...
Still searching for Frodo after the chaotic events of the previous chapter, Aragorn is interrupted by the sound of Boromir's horn. He...
And the number of the towers shall be two. Or three. Or... five? If it's not clear yet, we'll clear it up in this introduction to Book III...