Dark shapes and dreadful things are terrifying Barliman; James and Alan will try not to make it any worse. Join The Man of the West and The...
Not all wounds can be healed, and not all episode descriptions can be clever. Join The Man of the West and The Sage of the South as we...
Wormtongue wishes he could leave Saruman; James is stuck with Alan for a few more episodes: make of that what you will. Join The Man of the...
Legolas is at a loss for words after visiting Aglarond with Gimli; Alan is at a loss for words after… well, never, really. Join The Man of...
Gimli offers to speedily fetch his axe, while James offers to speedily fetch his microphone. Join The Man of the West in welcoming back The...
The reign of Aragorn Elessar begins, as the reign of Sara ends – quite possibly with her sailing off on a ship filled with cats. Join...
It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for: the Return of… Ioreth. Join The Man of the West and the Shield-maiden of Rohan as Faramir...
Éowyn is afraid that Darkness Unescapable is coming; Sara is afraid that Dad-Jokes Unescapable are coming. Join The Man of the West and the...
The women can tell Éowyn nothing; that’s only because Sara wasn’t there. Join Alan and Sara as Éowyn seeks to avoid yet another cage in our...